Photos of Bridgewater, VT

Bridgewater, Vermont

The Bridgewater Town Clerk's Office is open Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.  Phone number (802)672-3334 x1.  Fax number  (802)672-5395.  The Town Office mailing/physical address is 45 Southgate Loop, Bridgewater, VT 05034.  Appointments are required for land record research.  The Town Clerk's Office is closed on all Federal & State Holidays.

The Town Treasurer's Office is open Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Lister & Administrative Assistant's Hours are Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Please note new phone system:  After dialing 672-3334 and reaching the general answering message; you will be prompted to dial by extension to reach the Town Clerk x1, Town Treasurer x2, Listers x3 and Highway Dept. x4.  

New email addresses:   Town,, Town Administrator at and

Highway Department: Garage Phone:672-5379 - Winter hours are Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 3:00 pm or per weather conditions. Summer hours are Monday-Thursday 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.  Any concerns or questions regarding the Bridgewater Highways should be directed to Stephen Tarleton, Road Commissioner at 802-281-2760 or email at  Road Foreman-Randy Kennedy.

Fire Warden:  Ed Earle can be reached at 802-353-2620.  Please call for permission to burn natural wood or debris.  

Town Health Officer: Max Elles can be reached at 802-282-3890 or email at

Town Constable: John Blanchard  802-952-9013  email:

Important: Woodstock Library card- free to all Bridgewater residents.

Solid Waste and Recycling - Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste Management District windshield stickers for 2023-24 are $30.00 ($15.00 for second sticker in same household)  Coupons (punch cards) are $50.00 each. Universal Recycling Act 148 took effect July 1st.  Call 802-674-4474 for information or, office hours are Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Effective May 19, 2020 the facility will be open from 8am to 4pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.  

ABLE Waste Management - Saturday morning Fast Trash located at the Town Garage from 8:00 to 12:00 pm.  Wednesday afternoons from 2:00 - 5:00 at Bridgewater Village location.  Curb side pick-up is also available.  Contact ABLE at 802-672-3569 for pick up and recycling information. 

As of July 1, 2020 - State law bans food scraps from the landfill.  Go to to learn how to reduce food waste, manage your scrapes and learn about backyard composting.  See Compost with Confidence fact sheet under the Helpful Links tab.  ABLE Waste has bags to purchase for your food scraps.  $4.00 for a 13-gallon extreme duty bag.  $6.00 for a 33-gallon extreme duty large yard debris only.  Purchase bag from ABLE for $4.00, use/fill at home, tie bag by hand, bring to Fast Trash, place in Food Scrap Container.  No other containers of food scraps will be accepted at Fast Trash locations.

NEW: Pay your sewer and property taxes online using the Property and Sewer Tax Information tab.  These payments are processed through the MuniciPay Program.  There is a processing fee of 2.65% for credit card transactions and $1.50 for an e-check transactions.  Reminder to all taxpayers: any and all taxes or portion thereof that remain unpaid after the due date are subject to 1% (first 3 months then 1.5% thereafter) interest fee and 8% penalty fee.  Please allow enough time (3-5 days) for processing within banking systems.

Cemetery Plot rates increased from $350.00 to $500.00 per lot as of January 1, 2019.                                    

REMINDER: All dogs and wolf-hybrids, 6 months of age and older, must be licensed with the Town Clerk each year on or before April 1st.  A current rabies certificate is needed for each animal.  Please check with town clerk to see if your dog needs a current rabies shot.  The rates for licenses before April 1st are $11.00 nor neutered/spayed dogs and $15.00 for unaltered dogs.  After April 1st rates increase to $13.00 for neutered/spayed and $19.00 for un-altered dog.  The Bridgewater Selectboard has adopted a new/revised Dog Ordinance that took effect November 9, 2019.  Ordinance can be found under the Forms, Ordinances and Policies Tab.

Selectboard Meetings -   2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month unless otherwise posted. All meetings begin at 4:30 pm. Please see "Rules of Procedure for the Town of Bridgewater" Section F for Public Participation under the Forms, Ordinances and Policy tab.   Meetings are now being conducted by "Hybrid", in person and zoom.  Zoom link will be posted on each meeting agenda.  Zoom meeting videos can be found on the top section of the Meeting Minutes Page.  Meetings are held in the Selectboard Room, west end of building.   If you have an item that you would like to discuss with the board, please contact Vicky Young, Administrative Asst. to get added to the meeting agenda.  Agendas are usually posted on the Thursday, before the Tuesday meeting.  Vicky can be reached at 802-672-3334 x3 or  Office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.  

 THE HUB: If you live in Barnard, Bridgewater, Killington, Pomfret, Plymouth, Reading or Woodstock and were impacted by the recent flood event, please contact the HUB for financial assistance, with flood-related emergencies.  Phone: 802-457-7214 email:, pick up an application outside the Ottauquechee Health Foundation office at Simmons House, 30 Pleasant St., Woodstock.

New dog licensing fees to begin on January 1, 2025. During the 2024 legislative session licensing fees were increased by $2.00.  Clerks must now collect $11.00 for neutered or spayed dogs and $15.00 for un-neutered ones for dogs licensed before April 1st.  After April 1st the fees will increase to $13.00 and $19.00.

March 1, 2025 - Rabies Clinic at the Woodstock High School Parking Lot from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.  $15.00 per animal.  Bring proof of prior years rabies shot to get 3 year shot.

March 4, 2025  Town Meeting 9:00 am Bridgewater Community Center (in person) 

March 4, 2025  WCUUSD-MVSD Australian Ballot Vote at the Town Office.  Polls will be open from  8:00 am to 7:00 pm.  Absentee ballots are available by request.  

February 17, 2025 - Town Office's will be closed to observe the President's Day Holiday.                                                     














Official Website of the Town of Bridgewater, Vermont. All rights reserved