Photos of Bridgewater, VT

 What are the Town Office hours?

The Bridgewater Town Clerk's Office is open Monday - Thursday  8:00 am to 4:00 pm

 How do I reach the Post Office?

The Bridgewater Village Post Office is located within the Bridgewater Mall 802-672-5166
The Bridgewater Corners Post Office is located at the junction RT 4 & 100A 802-672-5345

 What do I do with trash?

The Town of Bridgewater contracts with ABLE Waste Management to provide recycling and trash drop off services on Saturday mornings from 8:00am - 12:00 pm at the Town Garage located on School House Road in Bridgewater Corners or on Wednesday afternoons from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm at there Bridgewater Village location.  Arrangements can also be made for curbside pickup by calling 802-672-3569. 

The Town is also a member of the Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste Management District.  They can be reached at 802-674-4474 or  Website is  Residents may use the Hartford Transfer Station/Recycling Center for a $5.00 day pass.  Annual permit stickers and punch cards may be purchased at the town office.

 Do I need a permit for a recreational fire?

The Town Fire Warden is Ed Earle he can be reached at 802-353-2620.
Please contact Ed if you have any questions regarding recreational fires or open burning.

 When are grievance hearings?

The Board of Listers/Assessor hold grievance hearings in May or June of each year.  Contact the town office to get date and time or to schedule a time for hearings at 802-672-3334,  Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

 Who is the Town Constable

The Town Constable is David Adams.  He can be reached at 802-829-8390.

 Who is the Town Tree Warden

The Town Tree Warden is David DiBendetto he can be reached by  at 603-443-0675 or by email at

 Who are the town Justice of Peace Members:

The Justice of the Peace members are:  Elected for two (2) year terms - 

Greg Jenne                672-3307

Gloria Martin              672-3725

Jerry Oppenheimer     457-3021

Justin Wardwell          672-5276

Donna Williamson       672-5765

 Who is the Town Health Officer

The Town Health Officer - Corey Solitaire  210-243-9573

Official Website of the Town of Bridgewater, Vermont. All rights reserved