IndexWhat are the Town Office hours?How do I reach the Post Office?The Bridgewater Corners Post Office is located at the junction RT 4 & 100A 802-672-5345 What do I do with trash?The Town is also a member of the Greater Upper Valley Solid Waste Management District. They can be reached at 802-674-4474 or Website is Residents may use the Hartford Transfer Station/Recycling Center for a $5.00 day pass. Annual permit stickers and punch cards may be purchased at the town office. Do I need a permit for a recreational fire?Please contact Ed if you have any questions regarding recreational fires or open burning. When are grievance hearings?Who is the Town ConstableWho is the Town Tree WardenWho are the town Justice of Peace Members:The Justice of the Peace members are: Elected for two (2) year terms - Greg Jenne 672-3307 Gloria Martin 672-3725 Jerry Oppenheimer 457-3021 Justin Wardwell 672-5276 Donna Williamson 672-5765 Who is the Town Health OfficerThe Town Health Officer - Corey Solitaire 210-243-9573 |