Photos of Bridgewater, VT

Town Garage #802-672-5379 or 802-672-3334 x4 

Road Commissioner: Steve Tarleton Jr.   802-281-2760, please call or email at  if you have any road issues or concerns  
Highway Department:  Road Foreman - Randy Kennedy.

The Bridgewater Highway Department maintains approx. 45 miles of Class 2 (8.61) and Class 3 (36.7) roads on a year-round basis. Class 4 (8.96) roads receive bridge and culvert maintenance and are graded in the summer as needed.  Plowing and any other maintenance of class 4 roads by private individuals shall only be done with the permission of the Selectboard. 

In April of 2002, the Selectboard adopted a General Highway & Access Ordinance as authorized by 24 V.S.A Sections 1971-1975.  The purpose of this ordinance was to establish municipal policy and procedures for the maintenance and upgrading of existing town roads and to describe construction standards and procedures for accepting new roads into the town highway system.

As per 19 V.S.A. Section 1111 (b), the Selectboard have the authority to regulate access onto public roads providing reasonable and safe construction and maintenance practices. Anyone wishing to access a town road from privately owned property must submit a completed Highway Access Application form to the Selectboard for approval. 

As per 23 V.S.A. Section 1396, legal weight limits of twelve (12) tons have been established on all Class 2 and Class 3 highways.  An annual over weight/excess permit is required for any vehicle exceeding the established weight limit. 

Highway Department Reminder: Please remove all items including but not limited to vehicles, grade sticks and rocks from the edge of the town roads so as not to impede snow removal.  This is due to safety concerns and to prevent any of these items from being hit or propelled into the air by the snowplow which could injure an individual or damage property or highway equipment.


Official Website of the Town of Bridgewater, Vermont. All rights reserved